Tennessee State Council of AORN website

Our Purposes:

The purposes of the Tennessee State Council of AORN are to:

A. Establish communication among TN AORN Chapters and AORN members at large.

B. Coordinate and share information on educational offerings to prevent duplication and
overlapping of dates and topics among AORN chapters in Tennessee.

C. Communicate with regional representatives from national AORN committees regarding
pertinent state legislation, education, and chapter issues.

D. Monitor and disseminate information regarding state and local issues that have an impact
(or potential impact) on perioperative nursing.

E. Encourage open communication between chapter officers and members throughout the state.

F. Provide and annual workshop that would be of interest to perioperative nurses.

G. Promote legislative issues that promote nursing agendas. Download the latest TNA legislative updates.


A. The Council will meet at least two times per year, at the following times:
*To alternate West, Middle, and East sections of the state. A board meeting will take

The annual meeting will be held at the annual AORN Congress meeting. A board
meeting will take place.

B. Notices of the meetings will be sent to chapter presidents, chapter representatives, individual
and associate members.

C. Council members present at council meetings constitute a quorum for a business meeting.

D. Special meetings may be called by the Chair or by request of a quorum of the membership.
The membership shall be notified at least one month prior to the called meeting. The call shall
state the purpose of the meeting, they time and place, and no business other than stated in
the call may be transacted.


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